Yet, nine minutes after the interval, Eramus scored the opening goal. Receiving the ball from substitute George Maluleka from the right, he took one touch before firing past the goalkeeper with his right foot. UAE's response was almost instant when Khalil found himself with just the keeper to beat, but Darren Peet stood up to the striker and deflected his shot wide for a corner with his right foot.

South Africa doubled their advantage in their 72nd minute when Thulani Serero embarked on a surging run through the centre before picking out Malukela with a pass. The Malukela-Erasmus combination worked again as the former's low cross from the right was turned in from 12 yards by the in-form striker. However, he was taken off with 13 minutes remaining after suffering a facial injury.

But then the drama began. It all started when Ramahlwe Mphahlele saw red in the 82nd minute following a tussle with Ahmed Ali, giving UAE a numerical advantage. It looked as though Hamdan Al Kamali's penalty would be little more than a consolation, but Ahmed Ali's left-wing cross was met by Theyab Awana to give them a share of the spoils.