The PCB has reportedly rejected the application in which five leading players, Shahid Afridi, Younis Khan, Umar Gul, Shoaib Akhtar and Abdul Razzaq; requested a Board’s permission to fly to Malaysia for a commercial shoot for the 2011 World Cup. According to PCB sources the refusal from Board came due to the schedule of the national camp to be held from tomorrow in Lahore for the New Zealand tour.
"But the board refused them permission pointing out that they couldn't afford to miss any part of the training camp in Lahore because of the importance of the New Zealand tour," one source said. The source revealed that the players had tied up for the commercial shoot before the declaration of dates for the camp.
"Once the dates were announced by the board the players also realized it would not be possible to go for the shoot since the team first plays T20 matches in New Zealand after Afridi, Razzaq and Shoaib Akhtar could fly off to Malaysia," the source added further.
The same refusal may be the part of PCB’s strict approach, in dealing with the players, after the ongoing scandal of spot-fixing; as the new contracts state clearly that they can't appoint agents, sign contracts with foreign teams or go for commercial shoots or endorsements without permission from the board.
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